ANGEL my pussy cat !!!!!!!!!!!

by Sammy
(Adelaide,South Australia)

This is somthing i had to do for school it was discriptive language and i really injoyed this because i called write about my kitty kat Angel.

HERE IT IS........

My kitten Angel is very special to me because she brings my motherly, protective instinct out of me and she has a great personality. Her personality is great because she?s friendly, cuddly, playful, lazy and sometimes very funny.

She has a cute little meow that sounds like a baby crying.

Her beautiful big ears, soft ginger and white coat and one green eye and one blue eye stands out in any crowd.

The ginger love heart or stocking shape on the side of her coat is very unique. Her cute little paws are very soft and pink. And this is why Angel is so special to me.

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Oct 31, 2010
Lovable Kitties
by: Jean from Tennessee

Thanks for telling us about Angel. She sounds like she is a very special kitty. I have a friend who has a calico cat with a heart shape on her side too. I suspect that makes them very loving and affectionate to their humans.

Jul 14, 2010
A cute kitten, indeed
by: Claudia - Admin

Sounds like Angel is a truly cute kitten, thanks for sharing!


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