Becky the Cat

by Jolene Okajima-Kodani
(Honolulu, Hawaii)

Under the Dresser

Under the Dresser

My cat whom is two years can be very clingy and mischievous at times. She likes now to hang on my screen door looking innocent even if she knows that she in trouble. She also likes to make trouble to her brother who is an Norweigian Forest Cat, she tends to hit him as he walks past or play fights with him especially when he is resting but she wants to play.

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May 24, 2011
by: Claudia-Admin

Hi Jolene,

Becky is so cute. I had a smile on my face as I read about her antics. My cat Mia used to do something similar with her brother Max. She would hit him every time he started snoring. It was hilarious.

Thank you for sharing Becky's picture. By the way, who's the other cat with her? Is that the Norwegian Forest?

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