Cat Christmas Cards

Looking for cat Christmas cards? Not sure whether to buy or make them yourself? If you prefer to buy, you will find a wide selection of Christmas cards for cat lovers online and offline. For some ideas, see the cat-themed cards below.

Cat christmas cards from

If you want to personalize your holiday cards or make your own, here are some tips, ideas, and suggestions:

Personalized Christmas cards online. Photo cards are very popular these days. Several online stores, including, Tiny Prints, the Card Store, and Kodak Gallery – among others – allow you to personalize your Christmas cards using your own photos. Other sites like let you upload your own graphics and designs. Unleash your creativity!

Make your own handmade cat Christmas cards. This is a wonderful Christmas project, especially if you love doings things with your hands, have an artistic flair, and enjoy the crafts.

And even if you think that you're not that "crafty" or think that you don't have the time, you can still make a few cards for those very special cat lovers on your list. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

By the way, you can find several templates (and tutorials) online, and many of them are free. Check these free templates from Microsoft.

One of the easiest ways to make a cat Christmas card is to take a piece of cardboard (or any other type of sturdy paper) and fold it in half. You can choose any color and can make it any size you want.

If you want a truly unique card, you can cut the cardboard into the shape of cats, mice, Christmas trees, stockings, and fish.

You can also use card stock, which is used for custom greeting cards, wedding invitations, etc. It comes in different colors, textures and sizes. Usually, you can find sets that come with several card stock pieces with their matching envelopes. This is a great option for a more professional look.

Once you have your card ready, decorate it to your heart's content. You can use your cat’s photo, a drawing, and any number of decorative items including ribbon, glitter, tassels, cotton, and much more.

Here's an easy tutorial:

Additional pointers for your animal Christmas cards

  • Before you begin, think about your design. Decide on a theme or color scheme. Check craft magazines and Christmas-themed websites for inspiration. Having a clear idea of what you want will help you gather your supplies.

  • Go online or visit your local craft store to take a look at the different types of papers available, you’ll be amazed at the variety. Stationary/paper stores are fun places to check, too.

  • While you’re at the craft store, check for ribbons, decorative paper, glue, glitter, and any other materials or articles you might want to use to decorate your card.

  • Have all your supplies ready, scissors, glue, etc., in one place before you start. That way you don’t have to go hunting for your materials once your ready to start your project. And will save lots of time.

Use your computer. If you have a software program like Photoshop, MS Word or PowerPoint, you can directly design your Christmas card on the computer (you can find video tutorials online). Once it’s ready you can then print as many copies as you want. You can use your cat’s photos and add other designs.

Time pressured? If you want to give a unique cat Christmas card but don’t have the time to make it yourself, you can buy a handmade card. Sites like offer many unique options to choose from.

For assorted paper greeting cards designed by artists, check out these selections from

More cat-themed Christmas stuff

Decorate your Cat-themed Christmas Cards

Cat Christmas Stocking Ideas

Animal Christmas Cards

Pet Christmas Cards

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Mia (1998-2010)

Mia the CatMia was lovely, courageous, and one of the wisest cats I've ever met. This site is dedicated to her memory.


Max the CatMax is our very own magical cat. He loves big mouse toys and is an avid bird watcher.

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