Cat Coffee Mugs

Looking for an affordable, but fun and practical, cat lover gift? Cat coffee mugs make a sensible choice. They surely make great gifts for cat lovers of all ages.

A cat coffee mug is not only a relatively inexpensive present, but it can also be unique. You can even personalize it.

Cat mugs are also a great gift idea for collectors of cat items. Below you will find additional information on this topic.

Keep reading for several cat mug gift ideas and tips.

Cat-themed mugs for everyone

Finding cat mugs is fairly easy. You can find them at pet stores, online and offline as well as general gift stores, auctions, and flea markets.

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect feline inspired mug and a few gift ideas.

Personalize your gift

Technology has made it very easy for people to customize their presents, so take advantage of it. Several online stores allow you to personalize your mugs with your own designs, graphics, and photos. This is a great opportunity to create a truly unique gift.

In addition to using your own (or your friends’) cat pictures and images, you can also add text. Furthermore, you can celebrate a special occasion, such as Birthday, Valentine’s, Christmas, House Warming, or Just Because, for example.


Does you cat loving friend loves collecting cat-themed items? Then consider getting him or her a collectible cat mug. You can find unique, hand-crafted, hand-painted coffee mugs online. And you can certainly find original pieces at affordable prices. Collectible Laurel Burch cat mugs come to mind. These are very popular among cat lovers.

Cartoon and fictional cats

Does your friend have a favorite cartoon cat? You can find cat mugs celebrating famous cartoon cats like Felix the Cat, Sylvester and Garfield.

You can also find mugs featuring the Cheshire cat, The Lion King, Morris the Cat, and others. Additionally, you can find beautiful mugs showcasing the cats of acclaimed cartoonist B. Kliban. These mugs make great gifts for cat lovers who also love collecting.

Cat breeds, cat types, big cats …

Do you (or you friends) love all types of cats or do you have a favorite cat breed? Fortunately, you can find mugs showcasing different cat breeds, including Birman, Persian, and Siamese. Similarly, you can find pieces depicting calicos and tabbies. You can even start a collection of cat mugs by breed.

In addition to cat breeds and types, you can also find mugs featuring kittens, funny cats, fat cats, and of course, big cats, such as lions, tigers, and leopards.

More gift ideas

Still need more gift ideas? Here are some additional ideas to consider:

-- Give a cat coffee mug filled with goodies: Candy, chocolate, and/or cheese and crackers, for example.

-- An alternative is to give a cat-themed mug along with a package of gourmet coffee. This is a great gift for cat lovers who also love coffee.

-- Give cat-shaped mugs – These make a fun gift for cat lovers of all ages.

-- Give a cat-inspired coffee and tea mug, plus a matching coaster.

-- Give a thermal travel mug instead of a traditional cat ceramic mug. This is a portable and practical gift indeed.

-- Give a whole set of matching cat mugs, plates and/or coasters.

-- Celebrate the occasion: Give a cat mug that salutes a special holiday, such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day. These pieces are easy to find online. Christmas-themed mugs are among the most popular.

Links of interest

Decorative cat plates

Cat-inspired purses - gift ideas

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Mia (1998-2010)

Mia the CatMia was lovely, courageous, and one of the wisest cats I've ever met. This site is dedicated to her memory.


Max the CatMax is our very own magical cat. He loves big mouse toys and is an avid bird watcher.

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