Daisy Clancy

by Patricia Clancy

my fave quilt !

my fave quilt !

We found Daisy , homeless, pregnant and huddled in the rain. Although my husband and l already owned 3 cats, we couldn't say no... This pic taken last week is 9 years after the fact. We believe she is Angora, but not certain.

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Aug 15, 2012
you inspired me
by: glow stevens

Im so glad i saw your story. Im in the same situation . Last night out of nowhere a pure white male cat (not a kitten but not an adult)
appeared by our fence. He is very emaciated i could feel every bone in his body..Very sad!. Of course i fed him and he just snuggled up to me and purred so loud. We already have 2 female cats.
So all of last night i pondered the idea to keep him or not. We finally decided this morning take him to the humane society. I cried so much..But after reading your story i truly believe he came to us for a reason and i called my husband and said " i know your gonna get mad..but im keeping him"..He said "i already knew that"..so thank you for sharing/.

Oct 26, 2011

She is the kind of cat you just have to pet on sight. She's beautiful and so lucky to have adopted you. What color are her eyes? I always wanted a white cat with blue eyes, but when I went to adopt, I ended up with 3 white cats with yellow eyes. I couldn't leave them there. The shelter was out of room. But they are awesome. Merlin is my best friend, and Yuki lives with my daughter and they are so happy together. (Unfortunately Suga aka Sophie had feline lukemia and is no longer with us.) It was a great match. But I still get all mushy when I see a white cat with blue eyes.

Oct 10, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

Daisy is such a beautiful cat. She may be an Angora or at least be part Angora, because of the long (and gorgeous) hair.

Thank you so much for sharing her story and picture.

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