Does anyone know what type of cat this is?

by Scott
(Lancs, England)

We call her

We call her "Velvet" from that song "Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles

We got this cat from the RSPCA, after her previous owners had thrown her out of a window. They didn't know what type of cat she was, as she has a very small head compared to her body length and tail. She is a very affectionate cat and loves to be stroked, but does not liked being picked up, we have only had her for six months, so we think it may be linked to being thrown out of a window, so we'll persevere trying to pick her up, she is happy to held for about a twenty seconds or so, then she'll go mental to try and get down, but when you do put her down she does NOT run off, she then rubs herself in and around your legs!!!! Her coat is super soft, it's almost addictive stroking her! But I would really like to know what type of cat she is, as people always ask, as it is such a striking cat with her small head.

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Apr 29, 2015
Tiny head
by: Lori

My black& white tuxedo. Cat has a teeny tiny head and lives in a teeny tiny house. lol not really , but I looked at different breeds and he looks a big like one of Siamese Balinese
Cats / slim body slim face small head

May 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

It's a black tabby.

Dec 10, 2010
Bombay Cat
by: Anonymous

Hi Scott!
Your cat is bombay (indian cat)
You just go through google and easy you will find same like this cat called bombay cat

Mohammed from Dubai

Aug 11, 2010
Touch Me, Touch Me Not!
by: Jean

My cat's the same way about being held and picked up. But she loves attention. I love to pet her --and her tail is so beautiful and so expressive! I cup my hand around it and slide up to the tip: she loves it and I do too!

How could anyone throw that beautiful cat out of a window? I'm so glad she is living with you now!

I'm sorry I don't know what type of cat she is, but she is beautiful and you are fortunate to have found her.

Jun 16, 2010
i have one !
by: sandra

we also have a rescue cat who is scared of being picked up. she is quite large but with a very small head and a coat to be proud of! like pure velvet.

sandra kent

Jun 13, 2010
by: Steph

Just thought I would leave a comment. Never been on this page until now and it seems pretty cool!! We have a cat that is JUST LIKE yours,except she has a little "nub" for a tail. She is the BIGGEST sweetheart in the world!! Someone decided they didn't want her anymore so dropped her off in the country. People like that make me SICK!!

Anyway,we fell in love with her the moment we saw her! She was kinda of shy at first but we fed her and she went from a homeless,stray cat to a Miss Princess who rules us now! HA! I named her Kitty Sunshine b/c she always makes you smile! She too has a very small head,bigger body(she's just 9 lbs)and beautiful,silky soft fur. She is a DIVA too!! And knows it!! For some reason,she don't mind at all for me to pick her up and hold her but she is REALLY squirmy with my husband,who also adores her and she does him. He is 6ft3in and I am 5ft3in so I figured it maybe the height thing,however she walks and climbs any and everywhere in the house! She too has a beautiful coat and we always get compiments on how beautiful she is. She is VERY smart too! We have taught her a few tricks. We recently lost our other 4-legged daughter on Mar.1,2010. We had her for 12 years so it has been REALLY hard on us all!! Kitty has been the best medicine/therapy ever! Plus I have been battling breast cancer on and off since Aug.21,2007 and her and our beloved Macy helped me SOOOO much to get thru my treatments!! God bless!!

Apr 02, 2010
Our cat has same
by: Anonymous

I don't know what date these posts were, but would like to comment. Our American Shorthair cat Charley, has the same characteristic. Small head, and regular size, if not a little bit of a longer torso for a body. Did you ever figure out what the deal is with his head?

Dec 02, 2009
Lovely cat
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Scott,

Velvet is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

At first, I thought she looked like an American Shorthair but her head is indeed small. The American Shorthair's head is a bit bigger. I'll check the CFA list of breed profiles and see if I find something.

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