Dog and Cat Pictures
Looking for dog and cat pictures? Pictures of dogs and cats will cheer up both dog and cat lovers. Check the pictures below and see if you can find a favorite cat and dog picture.
Despite the bad rap and myths, dogs and cats can get along. In fact, many multi-pet households have both cats and dogs. When I was little, my family used to have cats and dogs (and birds, too). So I know for a fact that felines and canines can be friends. Of course, if you adopt them at the same time, they will get along from the start. If you first adopt either a cat or a dog and later you adopt the other, then you will have to carefully introduce the newcomer to the rest of the family. This process may prove challenging, but it’s not an impossible task.
So if you are a dog person and/or a cat lover, you will enjoy the following cat and dog pictures.
Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.
~ Author Unknown. Pictures of cats and dogs
Cat and dog pictures make wonderful pet lover gifts. You can buy posters showcasing cats and dogs, or you can make the gift yourself. You can, for example, make a collage using photos of your friend’s pets and place it in a nice frame. Many online stores also allow you to personalize gifts using your own pictures. Some items you can customize include: T-shirts, hats and coffee mugs. Want to make cat gifts using photos? Check out this article.
Another great idea is to give a calendar featuring dog and cat pictures. You can also make your own calendars using your own pictures of dogs and cats. If the gift is for somebody else, use their pets’ pictures. Visit this page for dog and cat art ideas.
I hope you enjoy the following pictures of cats and dogs.
Best friends forever

My sunshine doesn't come from the skies, it comes from the love in my dog's eyes. -Author Unknown.
Let's take a nap

When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me more than I with her. -Montaigne.
What's up buddy?!

Cats are smarter than dogs. You can’t get eight cats to pull a sled through the snow. Jeff Valdez
Would you like a snack before we retire for the night?

Did you find a favorite cat and dog picture? Please keep checking back as I will be adding more dog and cat pictures.
Pictures of cats and dogs
Dog and cat art
Funny cats and dogs
More funny dogs and cats
Dog and cat names
Funny pictures of cats
Very funny cats
Pictures of black cats
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