Lester The Rescued Cat
by Keryl
One day I went to the Cats Home where my friend worked and a man bought in a box of kittens and a white cat who was in an eski. The man said the cat was deaf. I asked my friend what would happen to him and she said he would be put to sleep. I said I would take him so the next day he was vaccinated and desexed. He was approximately 1 year old. He was a dirty white colour and his back bone showed. Anyway we took him home and he fell in love with us immediately like we did with him. It was as though he was so grateful for us rescuing him.
I had two other moggies at that stage who are outside cats so we just thought after a week of being inside he would be okay outside too. Our house is on 1/2 an acre and in a very, very quiet area. Anyway after a week poor Lester had been attacked by another cat and ended up getting an abscess. We took him to the vet and got that fixed then we built him an outside run which ran off a bird avery and down into our garden. Lester loved it, it gave him some time out in safety when he wanted to go outside and he spent the rest of the time inside.
We then bought Lester lots of toys to play with. Lester did not play with the two older moggies as they were both 10 and 11 years older than him but a few years after having Lester I bought, Bonnie a sealpoint female Birman. At first I was worried that Lester wouldn't like her as he was not overly keen on the male moggie and absolutely hated the female moggie but after we bought her home as a kitten he absolutely went into "Mummy" mode, he washed her, slept with her and played with her. Lester was absolutely in love with her. Here we are now in 2010 and Lester is 5 1/2 and Bonnie is 3 1/2. I have also in the time purchased another female Birman by the name of Millie, she is a bluepoint who is 2 1/2 and a male Birman by the name of Angus, he is a red point Birman who is 1 1/2.
Needless to say we have extended our outside cattery and run. The four of them spend most of their time inside and Lester loves them all to pieces. By the way we still have the male moggie, Hughie who is 17 this year and the female moggie, Cindy who is 16 this year. All in all I have 6 cats and a Labrador dog, Benson who is 11 and I love them all.
The most wonderful thing though is we never ever actually realise that Lester is deaf, we use hand signals, bang the floor with our feet and he just fits in like the other cats do. We often say how lucky he was that I was at the cats Home that day but it was us who were lucky because we have our little deaf cat Lester.