My new Kitty

by Alice

I just got my kitty from a friend of mine ,,,,at first I picked out the runt ,which was a girl..and since I have 2 young male cats I decided to keep them all males..he is very special has 1 bright blue eye and 1 dark green I have read some post concerning the odd colored eyes in white cats and I hope my little kitty grows to hear and see and be healthy I named him manson ...((ex--the singer marilin manson punk rock ,,with 2 different eyes,,) he is 6 weeks old...

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Apr 08, 2011
Oh My.
by: Cassidy

HI that looks like my cat .
I have the same breed but mine is a male and i found him stray in a thorn bush down the street from my house, he kept mewoing and i put him back so i wouldn't get attached but he ended up fallowing me home; I never knew what kind he was.
My cat is named izzy , Only cause we thought it was a girl at first.. his name was socks..
cause he is pure white with black feet.
He has to yellow eyes though and is hyper im glad i have him , He is not deff and can see(:
He loves to play .(:

Jan 19, 2011
XOXO to Manson
by: Yvonne,Texas

Hello Alice,
I just fell in love when I saw this picture of Manson. Manson may be deaf but one way to tell is clap or snap and see if he responds to the noise. Another is the vaccuum. Some cats fear the vacuum. I have a blue eye white cat and is totally deaf. I call her Jenibelle. Jenibelle will be 4yrs old in August 18th,2011. When Jenibelle was young like little Manson.My Jenibelle would ride on my vaccuum.I thought it was cute and funny that she did that. She did not seem to pay any attention as for eye contact. I had her checked and the vet performed the same test I did. The snap and clap and banging and he said she was totally deaf.Jenibelle may be deaf but she is healthy and beautiful and stays indoors.All little Manson needs is love,care,and attention and he will grow to be a normal healthy boy whether he is deaf or not. Wishing you and little Manson comfort and joy always.

Jan 17, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Alice,

Manson is the cutest thing! I love his eyes. And while it is true that white cats have a higher incidence of deafness (especially the ones with odd eyes), there are plenty of white cats who are born healthy, with perfect hearing and eyesight. I'll be sending my prayers Manson's way so that he grows up whole and healthy.

I wish you both a long and happy life together, and thank you for sharing his story and picture.


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