Stories and Poems about Cats

Poems about cats will warm your heart. Do you have a favorite cat poem? Here’s a review of a wonderful cat poetry book.
Bedtime Stories and Poems for Cat Lovers
The magic of cats is such that they can enrich and spice up our lives with their mere presence. Indeed, cats can comfort, inspire, and help us rediscover life’s simple joys. Their influence on humans has been documented in many a literary work. Bedtime Stories and Poems for Cat Lovers by Pamela and Larry Leónard is one of those works.
Their book takes us on a journey inside the always fascinating world of cats. You can’t help but get immersed in the stories told here.
Are you feeling down? Do you need a bit of sunshine to cheer you up? Bedtime Stories and Poems… is that ray of sun you’re looking for. You will find its cat poems warm, whimsical, charming, and uplifting. They will make you laugh, too.
One of my favorite cat poems is House Cat, in which the authors muse about how their house would be without a cat. Another favorite poem is Opera Cat, about a cat who can sing opera like the best of them. I’m sure many cat lovers can relate to this poem, as I’m sure many of us share our lives with a singing cat.
The two cat stories, The Long-Tailed Cat and The Tortoiseshell Cat are a real treat, too. Both stories touch very human themes such as finding respect and acceptance among our peers, and about coming to terms with our own uniqueness. But the stories are told from a very feline perspective, which makes them all the more enjoyable. Yes, even cats need to feel loved and accepted.
The poems about cats told in this lovely collection are simply delightful. Certainly, cat lovers will enjoy Bedtime Stories and Poems for Cat Lovers.
About the authors
Larry Leónard, an acclaimed writer, was nominated to Poet Laureate of the State of Florida. Pamela Leónard is an award-winning artist. They’re both dancers and founders of a ballet school. The Leónards are also avid cat lovers.
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