Tabby Cat Names

Here you will find a fun list of tabby cat names. Some of the names are inspired by the tabby pattern - which consists of stripes, spots and swirls.

You will also find names of animals that sport stripes or spots. Finally, you will find names that have nothing to do with the appearance of the tabby. However, I think that they make great names for these special kitties. Here are more names for tabby cats.

Tabby Cat with Flowers

Names for tabby cats

The physical traits of your cat are a good starting point when selecting a name. But don’t stop there. You can find inspiration in a myriad of places: objects of nature, names of famous people, names of cities and countries, and much more. Of course, it is always fun to give your cat a name that celebrates his or her physical beauty.

The following names play on the unique tabby coat pattern:

  • Dot
  • Dots
  • Dotty
  • Loopy
  • Punto (Spanish for dot, spot)
  • Puntito (diminutive form of punto)
  • Ribbons
  • Tab
  • Tail
  • Twirl
  • Twirly
  • Twist
  • Twisty

Names inspired by animals with stripes or spots

  • Cheetah
  • Ladybug
  • Leo (leopard)
  • Zebra

Miscellaneous cat names

Your cat doesn’t have to be a tabby to get one of these names. They are great for all types of cats.

  • Amara
  • Arizona
  • Darrin
  • Durango
  • Leonidas
  • Leona
  • Leonela
  • Leopold
  • Lionel
  • Manolo
  • Mariela
  • Micaela
  • Ninnette
  • Page
  • Thunder

For more on tabby cats, please visit the following pages:

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Mia (1998-2010)

Mia the CatMia was lovely, courageous, and one of the wisest cats I've ever met. This site is dedicated to her memory.


Max the CatMax is our very own magical cat. He loves big mouse toys and is an avid bird watcher.

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