The Lovely Jenibelle

by Yvonne

I would like to tell you that my lovely Jenibelle is going to turn 4 yrs old this August 18th,2011. Jenibelle has grown so much and she is just so adorable. I think I smother her too much. I come home from work and I look for her so I can scoop her up and squeeze her into my arms and hold her and kiss her. She runs and hides for me. At first I thought she wanted to play hide and seek. But, she is really running from me smothering her.LOL!The other day when my husband and I took Jenibelle into town. On the way back coming down on Highway 463 Jenibelle sat in front on Roberts lap looking out and the funny thing is she placed her paw on the wheel. LOL Yeah,like we were really gonna let her take the wheel. LOL!Jenibelle really enjoys going on trips. This year she went to the beach and the park to see the ducks at the duck pond. We do have another cat. Sandy is our Trixie cat. She is so sweet and wants to be everybody's friend. Sandy can be real nozy if you park in our drive way with your window rolled down. She will hop in and make herself comfortable. We had family barely drive down the road and come to a screetching holt to see them reverse their car to bring our Sandy back. Both half scared to death,LOL. Yesterday evening when the sun was still out. I decided to take my Jenibelle outside with her harness on to explore and hang out with Sandy.They touched noses and layed in the yard. My neighbors came outside to see Jenibelle and they said that she looked like a big white bunny rabbit in the green lawn. They said I should get bunny ears and slap them on Jenibelles head. LOL Love my cats!!

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May 11, 2012
What a coincidence
by: Anonymous

She really looks lovely.

Can you believe that my grand daughter's name is Jennibelle and she was born on the 18th of auguest too,but she is one year older, What a coincidence.

Jul 08, 2011
Beautiful Cat
by: Alice

I think Jenibelle is beautiful. She looks like a cat who once adopted me. I was living on a farm in Ky. One day a grown solid white tom cat with the prettiest blue eyes showed up at my door. I could tell he belonged to someone. He was very healthy and not at all feral. I called the shelters and vets and put ads in the paper and put fliers out, but no calls. I kept Snowball for a year. I moved to SC. I wanted to take Snowball with me. I started to put him in a pet carrier. He got scared and ran off. I delayed moving for over 3 weeks he never came back. Razzy was not my only cat. I have 2 rescue cats and 2 rescue dogs.

My cats are bigger than my dogs. I'm going to see if I can post their stories. If I can, their names are Angel. She is a perfect calico. Baby J is a tabby. and Cuddles & Skeeter are bichon and t-cup poodle mixed. Thanks or responing to Razzycat.

May 26, 2011
by: Kim from Texas

I love her picture. She looks like she planned that trip herself and is overseeing that it is done right.

I know what you mean about wanting to scoop her up when you come in the door. Merlin, my white puppy cat has grown into a large sleek beauty that is almost too heavy to scoop anymore. He turned a year this month. Like your Jenibelle, he will dodge me if he is not ready to be picked up, but he will still follow me like a puppy. But when he does want attention, he will lay down right on my face or jump on a counter and put his front paws on my chest and put his face right in mine. Our diva's have to choose the moment don't they?

Mar 23, 2011
Driver of the Year?
by: Jean from Tennessee

It's nice to get an update on Jenibelle and to hear about Sandy too! I wish my white cat Star wanted to go for a ride in the car! That would be fun, having her along. I'm sure Jenibelle would be a good driver, if she ever got the chance - she seems to be the steady and calm sort one hopes is behind the wheel of any car one might encounter on the highway! Thanks too for the pictures -- she looked quite self-satisfied behind the wheel with your husband.

Mar 22, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

I'm so happy to hear from the lovely Jenibelle! It's been a while since I last heard from her. I must say that she looks as cute as ever. She's quite the beauty.

I had to laugh when you mentioned that she put her paw on the wheel. By the way, she looks very comfortable in the car. Love the pictures!

Please keep the updates coming.

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