"The Purrbox"

by Catherine Schlie
(Mastic, NY, USA)

Snuggles, aka Snuggles Bear and "The Purrbox" is a White and red mink Ragamuffin. When he was just a few weeks old, I knew is was the cat for me.

He was gorgeous and so loving with a purr you could hear from across the room. He follows you everywhere like velcro.

He knows my voice when I come home from work because he comes running with his Mommy purr with his paws high in the sky as if he was blowing kisses to me.

I adore my Purrbox and cannot live without him. He has become part of my breath.

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Feb 13, 2010
I love your "Purrbox"
by: Claudia -Admin

Hi Catherine,

Snuggles is just so fluffy and adorable. I wish I could hear him purr. My cat Max purrs loudly, too.

Thanks so much for sharing Snuggles' story and lovely picture.

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