Tig're (pronounced T-grey)

by susan

This is Tigre...a little kitten we adopted from the local shelter. He is quite unique. We went to find a companion for our other cat so we went to the SPCA. There was a litter of kittens all nursing from a mother cat.We noticed there was a little one off to the side. We were told that his litter mates had been adopted. Also that he was returned after three days for being "get this" "anti-social". Well my fiance picked him up and fell asleep in his arms, right there we knew he was ours. Anti-social? he is the most loving and sweetest cat. There lost, our gain. He sleeps with us and by the picture you can see he is quite content..he sleeps with his tongue out and snores away dreaming.

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Apr 08, 2013
Too Cute
by: Anonymous

cute as a button!!!!!

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