White tails.......

by ms. f

Mister Baby is solid white with pink ears nose and skin, not one single hair of another color. He has blue eyes and great hearing. He has had a hard life, but with a happy ending! He lived in a house with 208 other cats before being rescued by the spca. He was very sick and very under weight. 9 pounds 3 ounces. he is now over 15 and not fat just a mussel man! he is seven and by his actions and reactions around people, you can tell he has not always been treated right. He is as playful as a kitten. And a big sweetie pie! I love him so much and he now has a forever home with lots of treats and love! PURRRRFECTION!

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Aug 18, 2010
Great Story!
by: Jean in Kingsport., TN

He sounds like a kitty after my own heart! My Starbaby is white with pink ears, pink nose and pink foot pads and stunning blue eyes just like the muscle man. They are so pretty and huggable -but my baby's past life experiences have made her intolerant to very much physical closeness. I have to be content with an occasional hug.

I'm so glad you have found this beautiful boy! Much happiness for many years to come.

Aug 17, 2010
Mister Baby
by: Claudia - Admin

Ms. F,

Your kitty seems like my type of cat. I love big cats! And from what you describe he's just the cutest thing! Thank you for sharing his story.


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